GymOlympic Health and Safety Plan
**All of our coaches are now vaccinated for COVID-19.**
GymOlympic is enforcing safety protocols, but in order for these to be effective, we require the involvement of everyone: gymnasts, parents, and coaches. Please know that the well-being and safety of our gymnasts has been and will continue to be our top priority. We are confident and prepared to provide enriching activity to our gymnasts in a safe way. With our plan, we maintain a low risk of illness through promoting behaviors that reduce the spread of COVID-19 and maintaining a healthy environment in our facility. GymOlympic is also prepared to handle any unfortunate circumstances that may arise if a gymnast/coach/parent is exposed to COVID-19.
*** Updated GymOlympic Masking Requirements:
Masks are OPTIONAL***
Many of the most important protocols we have developed and will continue to enforce affect the GymOlympic facility and the ways we operate while in the gym.
Our gym has a total surface of 10,000 square feet.
-Lobby Area: 980 SF
-Office, bathrooms, and kitchenette: 426 SF
-Storage and Utility Rooms: 980 SF
-Gym Space: 7,614 SF.
-Staff has intensified cleaning and disinfection of all areas in the facility, emphasizing the lobby and bathroom areas (high traffic areas).
-The facility is equipped with large garage doors that open to bring in fresh air, and the entire facility is equipped with an operational HVAC unit for ventilation.
-A plexi-glass partition is in place at the front desk to protect office workers and parents conducting financial/scheduling matters. Also, all payments/scheduling can be done over the phone, through mail, or through Venmo.
-Communal space used by gymnasts and parents, such as picnic tables and cubbies, are cleaned and disinfected between uses.
-Questions and information can be gathered from our website or over the phone.
The coaches of GymOlympic take their responsibilities very seriously, and are always looking for ways to keep their gymnasts safe. We have increased our normal vigilance in some key ways.
-Coaches promote healthy hygiene practices to all gymnasts, such as hand washing or use of hand sanitizers before, during, and after practice.
-Coaches themselves practice healthy hygiene with frequent hand washing and use of hand sanitizer before, during and after practice.
-Coaches have adjusted their schedules to ensure time for cleaning/disinfecting of equipment.
-Coaches are all trained and prepared in health and safety plans.
Our gymnasts have always been dedicated and responsible athletes that meet challenges with conviction and strength. We believe that they will rise to this new challenge as well.
-Gymnasts should be aware of GymOlympic’s new safety protocols, and they will follow sanitation rules for their own safety and others.
-Gymnasts should tell the coaches IMMEDIATELY when not feeling well.
-Gymnasts are not required to wear face masks during practice, but its fine if you wish to do so.
-Gymnasts will use their assigned cubby areas each day, and clean up any trash before they leave each day.
-Gymnasts will use the assigned workout areas for their group each day and listen carefully for coach instructions on equipment that is available.
Thank you to our parents for your continued support and commitment. Your cooperation during this unprecedented time will help us all to succeed and stay healthy.
-Ensure your child is free from any illness or fever before coming to the gym, and stay home when appropriate.
-Encourage your gymnasts to follow gym health and safety rules.
-Provide your child with personal items for each practice.
-Parents must self-report to coaching staff if gymnast or family are having symptoms of COVID-19 or were exposed to someone with COVID-19.
***If in the unfortunate event a gymnast, parent, or coach develops symptoms of COVID-19 or has been exposed to someone with COVID-19, we are prepared. This person must self report to our COVID-19 point of contact staff person, Miss Maria, who will then advise them of home isolation criteria. If this person develops symptoms while at the GymOlympic facility, he or she will be placed into the isolation area, and then transported home or to a care facility, dependent upon symptoms and age (parents and guardians of minors will first be notified before any action is taken). All areas used by the sick person will be closed off for 24 hours and then cleaned and disinfected. Our COVID-19 point of contact staff person will then notify local health officials, staff, and families while maintaining confidentiality, and further advise those who had close contact with the diagnosed person to stay home, self-monitor, and follow CDC guidance.
We appreciate your patience as we navigate and work on the best practices to keep everyone safe, and we sincerely thank you for your support during these times. We have missed all of our gymnasts so much and we are excited to finally be returning to the sport we love! Stay safe and healthy! GO GYMOLYMPIC!